Sunday, August 30, 2009

Family, Friends & Rub-a-Dub-Dub

Our first week at home has been filled with smiles, great food, and fellowship! After Cami was born, Rob's parents made a last minute drive from New Jersey to see their new grandaughter. They were a HUGE help to us while we were learning how to balance our new parental responsibility with every day tasks like dishes and dinner. Thank you so much Bob & Sharon for making the trip to Indianapolis!

We've also had so much fun sharing Camryn with the Fasone's! My mom has helped me keep my sanity amongst the lack of sleep! Grandpa Jim and Aunt Leslie have been competing for cuddling time with Cami. And I must say that she isn't complaining one bit.

Cami had her "first" bath at home on Saturday afternoon. She wasn't a huge fan at first, but after it was all said and done I think she secretly enjoyed it. Here are a few of our favorites which capture the essence of the whole event. This little one has more facial expressions that anyone I've ever met.

Lastly, we want to thank all of you for your prayers in the last week. As many already know, Cami left the hospital with jaundice at a fairly high level. While it's an extremely common condition our pediatrician has kept a close eye on it with multiple blood work tests over the last few days. On Sunday afternoon we were EXTREMELY delighted to hear that God answered our prayers as the jaundice had already peaked and was on it's way back to an acceptable level.

While this was a minor health issue in the grand scheme of it all, the last several days have been an emotional rollercoaster and we've learned as first-time parents the importance of relying on the Lord to manage through things we can't control. Through this whole experience, God has blessed us with phenomenal medical professionals (nurses, lactation consultants, doctors, hospital staff) who have provided the help we need exactly when we needed it.

We are blessed beyond measure!

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